Tuesday 26 January 2010

A little light reading

One of my favourite past times has got to be
having a good rummage around a charity shop.
Its the anticipation and excitement at what you might just be about to find. Luckily my thrifting hobby is shared by Mr D, this I guess is not so lucky for the boys! Our searching is often cut short with cries of "Not another shop", and "why are you buying THAT!" and then when they really have had enough there's the stamping of feet and a chorus of "I want to go home NOW"!!
So Saturday we agreed we would only go in one charity shop, what kind parents we are, or was it just that we had so much to do!
Luckily it didn't disappoint.

There's something so playful and joyful about craft books from the seventies.

The second book is "100 Japanese Stencil Designs" in their words "a book ready for use as patterns for wallpaper, textiles, graphics, and needlework, these delicate royalty-free images are ideal for a host of modern decorative and graphic needs".

Quite a few of the designs remind me of the echino prints I'm thinking of using in baby E's room. Oh so much inspiration, the trouble is it makes me wonder what other exciting things are in the thrift shops we didn't explore!! I think they should call it thrift addiction and I truly have the bug!


  1. I love old 70's craft books - they are hilarious, but really good at the same time!

    take care,

    Nina xxxxx

  2. I love 'thrifting' (a new word I have only just recently discovered and doesn't it sound so much better than 'rooting around charity shops' :-) ). I have just found your blog thanks to Ali at snipsnaphappy and was immediately bought in by the fact that you like to stare at fabric! This is another recent thing I have discovered about myself - I love to stare at fabric and dream about new fabrics and all of the possibilities that could come out of it. It's a strange revelation but one I am thoroughly enjoying.

    Lottie xxx

  3. I love those 70s kids craft books too. There are some lovely ones about by Tony Hart as well.
