Friday, 2 July 2010

Whose that Girl?

It's been a bit of a disjointed day today.
#3 fell asleep just as it turned 12 o'clock so rather than eating lunch, I grabbed the opportunity to go and do some weeding on the veg plot. We had an incredible amount of rain last night which has turned a rather yellow patch of vegetables into a green oasis over night. It has also turned the weeds into monsters! Huge things, towering over the peas and the struggling sugar snap seedlings. Well at least you can now see the plants and #2 was happy to occupy himself, munching his way through our peas and the last lot of strawberries. Talk about eating alfresco! The rain really was needed not only does everything now look so lovely and lush our water butts are full to the brim which means watering won't be so much of a chore.

Talking of all things bright and wonderful! I do believe the thrifting gods have been looking down on me lately as our thrifty finds have been coming thick and fast and if they continue to happen as often as they are, I fear that we may not have room to move in our small "cosy" home! At this point you probably are thinking that all I need to do is show some restraint or in fact don't enter an emporium of delights for then the vintage treasures would stay hidden from view, but having self-control when it comes to thrifting or indeed fabric buying is something I am yet to gain!

Out of all our new purchases the vintage hanging shoe organiser has got to be the most perfect find. For I knew exactly where I wanted to hang it the moment I saw it, in fact the nail was already there in the right position waiting patiently for such a find. So it now takes pride of place in my daughter's room. But as I sit on the chair at night feeding her I can't help but get myself all confused! For I keep asking myself who is she?

As my sister said the first time she saw it 
"didn't we have a doll like that" 
well yes I think we did but what was she called? It has Daisy printed on the top of the organiser and at the bottom it's marked 1974 Kirby Martin Associates. I think she was called Holly Hobbie or I know their was a doll by that name. 
Is this her?!!

So please if anyone has any idea can you let me know, as it's one of those small niggling questions that I can't get out of my mind!
And in the night when I sit facing her it would be great to address her by her name!!


  1. I used to have Holly Hobbie curtains as a child, and she does look similar, but I don't think it's her. Holly's bonnet was sort of big and floppy and totally covered her face. That is a lovely find ! x

  2. Oh yes, Hobbie Holly (I had a fake one, not the real one) she had a patchwork dress and blue hat, but that's all I remember. Lovely finds though.

    Lucky you with the rain, we haven't had any for a long time now, the grass is about dead (I don't water it) and the flower border is hanging on in there. I do water the veg patch though, I couldn't bare to let all that hard work shrivel up in the heat but it really could do with a good soak!


  3. Gosh the thrifting gods have been smiling on you!
